Imprint of WINHELLER Attorneys at Law & Tax Advisors


at the same time client information according to § 312a BGB (German Civil Code), Art. 246 EGBGB (Introductory Act to the German Civil Code) and the DL-InfoV (Service Information Duties Ordinance)

The responsible provider of this website and your contracting partner is: 

Tower ONE
Brüsseler Str. 1-3
60327 Frankfurt a.M.

Tel.: +49 (0)69 76 75 77 80
Fax: +49 (0)69 76 75 77 810

The legal form of WINHELLER Attorneys at Law & Tax Advisors is that of a Limited Liability Corporation.

Managing directors: Stefan Winheller
Commercial Register: Local court of Frankfurt am Main, HRB 88721


German VAT Identification Number: DE815203817

Our services

We provide our domestic and foreign clients with comprehensive advisory services through our consultants, mainly in legal and tax matters. We represent our clients both out of court and in court. Our core competences are German and international business law and tax law. As far as foreign jurisdictions are concerned, we advise our clients in particular on U.S. visa law and U.S. business law. However, we conduct court proceedings exclusively before German courts.

Avoidance of conflicts of interest

We are prohibited from representing conflicting interests. Therefore, please understand that before accepting a mandate, we must first check whether a conflict of interest exists.

Competent supervisory authority of WINHELLER GmbH

WINHELLER GmbH is a member of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt/Main (Frankfurt/Main Bar Association), Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt/Main, Germany, which is also our supervisory authority.

Competent supervisory authorities of our advisors

Our consultants are members of their respective regional Bar Association (RAK), Chamber of Tax Advisors (StBK), Chamber of Engineers (IngK) or the respective foreign counterpart as the competent supervisory authority. You can find the relevant supervisory authority for our consultants in the overview of consultants below. The addresses of the supervisory authorities are as follows:

  • Rechtsanwaltskammer (RAK) Berlin, Littenstrasse 9, 10179 Berlin
  • Rechtsanwaltskammer (RAK) Frankfurt/Main, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt/Main
  • Rechtsanwaltskammer (RAK) Karlsruhe, Rheinhold-Frank-Strasse 72, 76133 Karlsruhe
  • Rechtsanwaltskammer (RAK) München, Tal 33, 80331 München
  • Steuerberaterkammer Berlin, Wichmannstrasse 6, 10787 Berlin
  • Steuerberaterkammer Hessen, Bleichstrasse 1, 60313 Frankfurt/Main
  • Steuerberaterkammer Düsseldorf, Grafenberger Allee 98, 40237 Düsseldorf
  • Steuerberaterkammer Nürnberg, Karolinenstrasse 28, 90402 Nürnberg
  • Steuerberaterkammer Stuttgart, Hegelstrasse 33, 70174 Stuttgart
  • The Florida Bar, 651 E Jefferson St, Tallahassee, FL 32399, USA
  • Ingenieurkammer Hessen, Abraham-Lincoln-Strasse 44, 65189 Wiesbaden

Our team of advisors

We are a multidisciplinary team of advisors consisting of attorneys, tax advisors and other liberal professions admitted to practice in Germany as well as colleagues who have obtained their admission abroad. The following consultants are currently working for us:

Last name, first name Occupational title(s)
Additional title(s)
(conferring authority)
Member of / 
supervisory authority/ies
Berg, Kornelia Attorney at Law (Germany)   RAK Frankfurt am Main
Bess, Paul Attorney at Law (U.S.A.)   The Florida Bar, U.S.A.
Brenner, Verena German Certified Tax Advisor M.A. Taxation (Hochschule Pforzheim) Steuerberaterkammer Stuttgart
Danner, Anna German Certified Tax Advisor 1. Dipl. Finanzwirtin (FH)
2. B.Sc. BWL (University of Göttingen)
3. M.Sc. Master of Accounting & Taxation (University of Mannheim)
Steuerberaterkammer Hessen
Eck, Friederike Attorney at Law (Germany) Certified Specialist for Employment Law (RAK Frankfurt am Main) RAK Frankfurt am Main
Fein, Johannes Attorney at Law (Germany) Certified Specialist for Tax Law (RAK Frankfurt am Main) RAK Frankfurt am Main
Hagel, Meike Attorney at Law (Germany)   RAK Frankfurt am Main
Hecht, Michael German Certified Tax Advisor 1. Fachberater für Gemeinnützigkeit (DStV e.V.)
2. Stiftungsberater (EBS)
Steuerberaterkammer Nürnberg
Helfenstein, Eva Attorney at Law (Germany)   RAK Frankfurt am Main
Herrmann, Christoph German Certified Tax Advisor Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Steuerberaterkammer Stuttgart
Herrmann, Felix German Certified Tax Advisor Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Steuerberaterkammer Berlin
Kirschbaum, Benjamin Attorney at Law (Germany)   RAK Frankfurt am Main
Kissler, Michael Rudolf Attorney at Law (Germany)   RAK Berlin
Krüsmann, Elmar Attorney at Law (Germany)   RAK Frankfurt am Main
Löw, Dr. Isabella Attorney at Law (Germany) Dr. (University of Halle/Saale) RAK Frankfurt am Main
Pfaffenberger, Benjamin Attorney at Law (Germany) Certified Specialist for Employment Law (RAK Frankfurt am Main) RAK Frankfurt am Main
Piekarek, Boris Attorney at Law (Germany)   RAK Berlin
Rengel, Johanna Attorney at Law (Germany)   RAK Frankfurt am Main
Schmitke, Romuald German Certified Tax Advisor Specialist Advisor for Restructuring and Insolvency Administration (DStV) Steuerberaterkammer Hessen
Schwab, Thomas Attorney at Law (Germany) Certified Specialist for Commercial and Corporate Law (RAK Frankfurt am Main)  RAK Frankfurt am Main
Schwendemann, Jürgen German Certified Tax Advisor   Steuerberaterkammer Hessen
Timmer, Dr. Florian Attorney at Law (Germany) 1. LL.B.
2. M.Sc.
3. Real Estate Economist (EBS)
RAK Frankfurt am Main
von Campenhausen, Katharina Attorney at Law (Germany)
German Certified Tax Advisor
  RAK Berlin
Steuerberaterkammer Berlin
von Raven, Phillipp Attorney at Law (Germany)   RAK Frankfurt am Main
Wagemann, Dr. Annette Attorney at Law (Germany) 1. Dr. (University of Mannheim)
2. Certified Specialist for Banking and Capital Markets Law (RAK Karlsruhe)
RAK Karlsruhe
Weisheit, Martina Attorney at Law (Germany)
German Certified Tax Advisor
  RAK Frankfurt am Main
Steuerberaterkammer Hessen
Winheller, Irina Industrial Engineer (Germany) 1. B.Sc. Industrial Engineering - EEIT (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
2. M.B.L.-HSG (University St. Gallen, Switzerland)
3. Certified Foundation Consultant (DAS, Germany)
Chamber of Engineers Hesse
(non-obligatory member)
Winheller, Stefan Attorney at Law (Germany) 1. LL.M. in Taxation (Golden Gate University, San Francisco, USA)
2. Certified Specialist for Tax Law (RAK Frankfurt am Main)
RAK Frankfurt am Main

Professional liability insurance

A professional liability insurance covering our professional activities has been taken out with Zurich Insurance plc., German Branch Office, Platz der Einheit 2, 60327 Frankfurt/Main. The sum insured is 10 million euro. Where permitted by law, the insurance policy provides worldwide coverage. However, according to § 5 of the insurance conditions, the following special conditions apply:

"(…) with respect to liability claims

(1) in connection with giving advice relating to, or dealing with U.S. or Canadian law and/or based on a violation of, or non-compliance with, U.S. or Canadian law;

(2) based on legal practice before the U.S. and/or Canadian courts

(3) asserted in U.S. and/or Canadian courts based on work performed as tax advisors or auditors,

the following additional agreements shall apply:

- The total amount of insurance benefits paid by the insurer shall not exceed the sums agreed in the insurance policy for all claims that occur during one insurance year. (…)

- U.S. courts, as defined in these provisions, shall be deemed to include the courts in U.S. territories."

Professional regulations for attorneys at law

In connection with the provision of our legal services we have to consider the following professional regulations:

  • Professional Regulations for Attorneys at Law (Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte; "BORA")
  • Regulations for Specialized Attorneys at Law (Fachanwaltsordnung; "FAO")
  • Federal Regulations for Attorneys at Law (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung; "BRAO")
  • German Code for Attorney Fees (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz; "RVG")
  • Professional Rules for Attorneys at Law in the European Community (Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Union)

The professional regulations for Attorneys at Law can be viewed and retrieved via the website of the German Federal Bar Association at: under the heading "Berufsrecht" (professional law). 

Professional regulations for tax advisors

For our tax advisors the following professional regulations apply:

  • Tax Advisory Act (Steuerberatungsgesetz; "StBerG")
  • Regulations for the Implementation of the Tax Advisory Act (Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz; "DVStB")
  • Rules of Professional Practice, including the regulations for expert consultants, of the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors (Berufsordnung inkl. Fachberaterordnung der Bundessteuerberaterkammer; "BOStB")
  • German Code for Tax Advisor Fees (Steuerberatervergütungsverordnung; "StBVV")

The regulations can be viewed and retrieved via the website of the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors at: under the heading "Berufsrecht" (professional law).  

Professional regulations for engineers

The principles of the professional regulations for the members of the Chamber of Engineers of Hesse can be viewed and accessed at the Chamber of Engineers of Hesse at under the heading "Rechtsvorschriften für die IngKH".

Permission for emigration counseling

Information from the Federal Office of Administration - Federal Office for Emigrants and Persons Working Abroad - can be found on the internet at

Cooperation partners

We maintain a close network of cooperation partners nationwide and internationally.

Complaints and dispute settlement procedures

If you are dissatisfied with our services, please contact us. We take every complaint seriously and strive to meet your requirements (again). Usuallz, we will find a solution in a joint discussion on how we can improve our cooperation and perform to your satisfaction again. Your contact person for complaints of any kind is our managing director Stefan Winheller (e-mail: 

Upon request, there is also the possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution at the above-mentioned regional chambers. In addition, you can also contact the arbitration board of the legal profession, Neue Grünstrasse 17, 10179 Berlin, Unlike the first-mentioned conciliation bodies, the last-mentioned conciliation body of the legal profession is a recognized conciliation body in accordance with the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (VSBG). 

The European Commission also provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at

Duration of the cooperation/right of termination

We build on a trusting cooperation with you. Apart from individual agreements that provide for specific contract periods, you are entitled to terminate the mandate at any time. However, a termination does not necessarily mean that our claim to remuneration ceases to exist. Therefore, please contact us before you terminate (see above "Complaints and dispute resolution procedures"). We may be able to find a better solution than abruptly terminating the cooperation.

This imprint also applies to the following social media accounts


Do you need support?

Do you have questions about our services or would you like to arrange a personal consultation? We look forward to hearing from you! Please fill in the following information.

Or give us a call: +49 69 76 75 77 80

